When Can Tissue Culture Help With Your Growing Needs?
Plant tissue culture technology has proven itself to be an effective and viable option for growers to seriously consider in a variety of different situations.
When large-scale propagation of new or superior plant varieties is required for early introduction to market
Following a decision to release a new variety into the market, the key to success for growers is rapid scale up and production on a commercial level. Tissue culture is often the fastest and most economical means to achieve this goal.
We suggest that growers continually compare the cost of conventional propagation methods to micropropagation, especially when conducted by an established tissue culture company with a proven track record of mass propagation such as Huas Tissue Culture Center.
Give us a call or email us for detailed pricing information. We are certain that you will be pleased with our competitive rates!
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When mass multiplication is needed for varieties which are difficult to regenerate by conventional methods of propagation
It is often the case that new or highly valued plant varieties are also the most difficult to propagate using traditional means. Here again, tissue culture technology can be very helpful to growers.
The speed of plant multiplication and the quality and uniformity achieved by Huas Tissue Culture Center's micropropagation process can be considerably superior to conventional methods.
When disease-free plant propagation is important
One of the inherent requirements of the tissue culture process is that it be conducted in sterile, aseptic conditions. This results in plants that are generally free of bacterial and fungal diseases. This aspect of tissue culture is especially helpful for growers that are propagating plant varieties that have major systemic disease problems.
> 華石組培苗(Huas TCC's Tissue Culture Plants)